Сегодня - 7 февраля 2025, Пятница
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Stop Cruelly Impregnating Mares to Make Medicine for Humans!
action alert!
Many medications for human women use "PMU," or "Pregnant Mare Urine." But the treatment these mares -- and their babies -- undergo often borders on cruelty.
Dear Friends, As they get older, many women take a drug containing estrogen called "Premarin," which is said to alleviate the sometimes unpleasant effects of menopause. But most don't know that the medicine they're taking was manufactured through cruel and sometimes even abusive means. Premarin is short for "pregnant mare urine," which is the active ingredient in Premarin and similar medications. In order to obtain this urine, producers keep mares in tiny stalls -- so small they can barely turn around -- for most of their 11-month pregnancies. They are only given drinking water a few times a day, so that the estrogen in their urine will be more concentrated. Once their babies are born, they're impregnated again shortly afterward, a process which will continue for up to a dozen years. Meanwhile, their colts and fillies will almost certainly be sent immediately to the slaughterhouse. A handful of fillies are raised to replace their mothers in the cycle of suffering; some animal rights activists estimate that only one in 50 colts will survive to adulthood. Worst of all, pregnant mare urine isn't even a necessary ingredient in estrogen medications anymore. There are alternative methods on the market that don't require subjecting horses to these conditions. It's time to retire this outdated practice for good. Ask international drug companies to stop using pregnant mare urine in their products.
Thank you for taking action, Kathleen J. Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team
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