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  ПРОПАЛ РЕБЁНОК!!! В эпицентре огня
защита природы защита природы - Help Keep Up the Fight for Bees!
Сегодня - 27 июля 2024, Суббота
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Help Keep Up the Fight for Bees!

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Nearly one quarter of America's bees died last winter. [2]

Let that sink in for a minute. One quarter. It's a startling truth, and what's even more disturbing is that if we don't act, there's a chance this number could grow. 

We have bees to thank for nearly a third of everything we eat. [3]Fruits, nuts, and vegetables -- in other words, a large part of our diet -- are all pollinated by bees. So what happens to the food we eat when there are no more bees left??

Chemical companies are pouring millions into PR campaigns to deny blame, but the science doesn't lie -- and sadly -- the countless scores of dead bees don't either. 

We've got a plan to save the bees in 2015, but we'll need your help to get there.

Please help us reach our $50,000 goal before the end of the year. Make a generous gift to Sierra Club to help save the bees and protect our planet. 

Despite public outcry, including more than a million people just like you urging the EPA to save the bees, the agency has been mostly silent. And chemical companies like Bayer and Monsanto are pulling out all the stops to make sure it stays that way. But we're way ahead of them. 

Our campaign plan for 2015 is ambitious, but frankly, that's what it's going to take to win. I know it seems like a daunting task to take on these chemical giants, but we can't afford to be quiet about this. 

Our plan is simple. We're going to turn up the pressure on Congress by driving in phone calls and petitions, urging them to pass the "Save America's Pollinators Act," a bill that would suspend the use of the chemical agent that's killing the bees. But that's not all. We're also going to take our plea to the press, social media -- wherever we can -- to ensure that a huge spotlight is on the crisis, and the EPA feels public pressure to take action. The chemical companies won't know what hit them. 

I know we've got a good plan, but to put it into action we're going to need all the help we can get.Make a gift right now to save the bees and protect our planet.

Last year, more than 100,000 SierraRise supporters like you took action to save the bees, and now is your chance to take the next step. We've got a choice, Anastasia. We can either sit on our hands and wait while the EPA and Congress do nothing, or we can raise the alarm and demand action to save our economy, our food supply and our bees. 

Together, we can win this critical fight for bees in 2015. Help us get to $50,000 by December 31st by making your most generous gift today.

In it together,

Molly Brooksbank



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