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Справедливости для жестоко убитого в России медведя!

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Demand Justice for Innocent Bear Run Over in Siberia
Sign Now

In a shocking viral video, an innocent bear in Siberia was run over and crushed to death. It made my stomach turn to hear the perpetrators yell"Squash him! Squash him!" as they repeatedly drove over the bear until it finally died.

Russian police have already launched an investigation, but we must take action to ensure that these men are held accountable for killing an innocent bear.

Incidents like these are not isolated occurrences. Last year, another video showed a polar bear howling in pain at an Arctic military base after a man inserted a fire cracker into his mouth.

Some animals don't hibernate or become curious about human activity, so not uncommon for wildlife to cross paths with people who don't think twice before retaliating. That's why it's so important for law enforcement to not only investigate these acts of animal cruelty, but follow through to ensure that people know it's not OK to treat wildlife this way.

This is also why your voice is so important today. We need to make sure that justice is served for this poor, run-over bear so that similar acts do not occur in the future.

When enough of us sign the petition, it shows Russian authorities that the world is watching and we expect justice.

Please sign to urge Russian investigators to hold the men accountable for killing this innocent bear.

Thank you,

  Alex B.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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