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  ПРОПАЛА ОЛЕСЯ МАТЮШКОВА!!! ВИДЕВШИМ СРОЧНО ПОЗВОНИТЬ: 112 или 8-800-700-54-52. В эпицентре огня
защита природы защита природы - Передайте льва-пенсионера в заповедник!
Сегодня - 5 мая 2024, Воскресенье
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Retire Malik the Sad Lion to a Sanctuary!
Sign Bart's Petition


Malik is a 12-year-old lion who lives at Chemnitz zoo in Germany. His partner, Kimba, died earlier this year following an operation. Now Malik is the only lion at the zoo, and he deserves to be properly retired.

Sign the petition asking Tierpark Chemnitz to release Malik to a sanctuary immediately!

An animal losing a companion is a big deal. Now, Malik is all alone and getting old. Visitors have reported that he looks thin and unhappy. A life alone while thousands of visitors gawk at you is no life for an aging wild animal.

It is wrong for wild animals to be caged and staged for human entertainment. Especially when an animal is in distress, we must keep speaking out to change how people see zoos. One animal at a time, we can move toward a more humane life for animals and a world with fewer underfunded zoos.

Please sign the petition today asking that Malik the lonely lion be retired to a sanctuary!

Thank you,

  Emily L.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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