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защита природы защита природы - Farmers in Indonesia are keeping wild cats called civets in horrific conditions just to make an exotic type of coffee.
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Farmers in Indonesia are keeping wild cats called civets in horrific conditions just to make an exotic type of coffee.

Фермеры Новой Зеландии содержат кошек в ужасающих условиях

Farmers in Indonesia are keeping wild cats called civets in horrific conditions just to make an exotic type of coffee.

Demand an End to Civet Coffee Bean Farming!
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Dear Friends, 

Did you know that coffee makers in Indonesia are torturing wild cat-like animals called civets to make an exotic coffee variety?

"Civet coffee" is made by force-feeding coffee berries to these poor animals, then collecting the beans from the civet's excrement. It's not only disgusting -- the civets are being kept in horrifying conditions.Click here to demand that the Indonesian government close down civet coffee producers. 

Asian palm civets are a beautiful wild cat-like mammal. The civets are captured from the wild, torn from their families, and held in tiny, sometimes dark cages.

There are currently no regulations in place on how to treat these animals, and farmers will often feed them to death with no concern for their health or living conditions.

Kevin Linton started a Care2 petition to stop civet coffee bean farming and set these poor animals free. Will you sign it? 


Thank you for taking action,

Jen J.
The Care2 Petitions Team

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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