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защита природы защита природы - Mendoza Zoo: Release Arturo, the Saddest Polar Bear in the World
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Mendoza Zoo: Release Arturo, the Saddest Polar Bear in the World


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Mendoza Zoo: Release Arturo, the Saddest Polar Bear in the World
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Dear Friends,

Thank you for signing the petition to help free Arturo from Argentina's Mendoza Zoo.

We've just reached 100,000 signatures encouraging zoo officials to release Arturo and allow him to spend his last years uncaged. Sadly, they have yet to take action — however, every signature is a step closer.

Please help us increase pressure on Mendoza Zoo to do the right thing by asking a friend to sign the petition too.

Click to share the petition on Facebook and send an email to your friends and family asking to support the cause.

Here's a quick message you can copy and send to rally support: 

Hi -

Arturo is a polar bear native to the Arctic circle -- but he is currently living in a concrete enclosure in Argentina's Mendoza Zoo where temperatures can reach 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

Even worse, Arturo has been alone since the death of his companion Pelusa two years ago. He has displayed many signs of "abnormal behaviour," baring his teeth while pacing and rocking from side to side.

I just signed a Care2 petition demanding that the Mendoza Zoo released Arturo to be transferred to Canada's International Polar Bear Conservation Centre. Will you sign too? Here's a link to the petition:


Thanks for your help.



Thank you for taking action,

Roseanne C.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team c

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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