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защита природы защита природы - Standing with Macklemore for the Duwamish
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Standing with Macklemore for the Duwamish

Помогите очистить реки от ртути и свинца

Standing with Macklemore for the Duwamish

Помогите очистить реки от ртути и свинца!


SierraRise -- http://www.sierrarise.com
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Dear Friends, 

Thank you for signing the petition to clean up the Duwamish River. You're almost done!

To ensure this message is heard, please take a moment to tell your friends, family, and colleagues about it. Just use the share buttons above, or click here to send the message below as a new email!

Dear Friends,

I just learned that thanks to Boeing and other polluters, Seattle's only river -- the Duwamish -- is full of mercury and lead. They're fighting the EPA's proposed cleanup plan, even though the pollution is affecting low-income neighborhoods and several tribes!

The EPA's plan will set a national precedent, so we need to fight back against the polluters. Will you join me and the musician Macklemore in calling for a cleaner river? Please sign this petition today:


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In it together,

Nathan Empsall 
SierraRise Senior Campaigner

Chip in!

Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA 94105 | sierrarise.members@sierraclub.org 

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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