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Peru: Do More to Protect Humboldt Penguins!

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Peru: Do More to Protect Humboldt Penguins!

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At a conservation centre in Peru, five Humboldt penguins were found dead, their throats cut and bodies scattered in pools of bloody water. The youngest one was only eight months old.
Please sign the petition today!


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Dear Friends, 

Last week, five Humboldt penguins were murdered at a rescue and breeding centre in Puerto Eten, on Peru's northern coast. The two adults and three babies -- the youngest of which was only eight months old -- were found with their throats slashed, left floating in bloody pools of water. The authorities have yet to find and convict whoever is responsible for this atrocity.

Humboldt penguins are some of the rarest penguins in the world. Conservationists estimate that there are no more than 50,000 total. They are routinely kidnapped and forced to be pets, caught in nets or killed as a result of nearby dynamite fishing.

And now it's not even safe for the penguins at the sanctuaries that are supposed to be protecting them.

The Peru vian government needs to bring these penguin killers to justice, and shut down unsafe rescue facilities. If we don't act now, this imperiled little penguin could be gone for good.

Ask the Peruvian government to shut down the "rescue" centre and protect the Humboldt penguin! 


Thank you for taking action, 

Kathleen J.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite

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