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chernobyl children chernobyl children - Saving hearts...one beat at a time...
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Saving hearts...one beat at a time...

Adi Roche: ирландцы - детям Чернобыля


Chernobyl Fact:
85% of Belarusian children carry 'genetic markers' due to Chernobyl which could affect their health at any time and can be passed onto future generations
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Saving hearts, one beat at a time
March 2014

Dear Friend, 


Did you know that every year, 6,000 children in the Ukraine are born with genetic heart diseases and defects? 


Chernobyl Children International (CCI) continue to manage and deliver a world recognised Cardiac Programme that has saved the lives of thousands of these children. In collaboration with the American Cardiac surgeon Dr. William Novick and his surgical teams, CCI provided 97 surgeries in 2013, to children in Ukraine. 


In our most recent Cardiac Mission undertaken in Ukraine, babies on critical waiting lists received life-saving operations for the defect known as 'Chernobyl Heart'. 




Albina is ten months old. She was born with a severe cardiac defect which, without corrective surgery, would have led to heart failure and death. Thanks to Chernobyl Children International's Child Cardiac Programme in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Oksana received the surgery she needed to survive last November. Read more 

Unfortunately only half of affected children will receive the surgeries that they need to survive, the rest will diewithin three to five years. 



 Take a look at the young lives saved by CCI's Cardiac Programme


In 2014, CCI will continue to provide cardiac surgeries to children suffering from Chernobyl Heart, saving lives and hearts, one beat at a time.


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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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