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Новости Новости - "Education is the key to unlock the Golden Door of Freedom"
Сегодня - 1 января 2025, Среда
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"Education is the key to unlock the Golden Door of Freedom"

Ваша помощь детям Чернобыля

As so many young people have recently returned to school,  I have been reflecting  on the privilege that is education and I am reminded of a quote by American scientist, George Washington Carver;

"Education is the key to unlock the Golden Door of Freedom"

According to the United Nations, over 103 million youth worldwide lack basic literacy skills.  As CEO of a UN designated NGO and as a Global Citizen, I feel a sense of responsibility for us to play our part in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by helping those in our care reach their full abilities in a supportive environment. 

In 2017, in tandem with our De-instituionalisation Programme, CCI have developed a pioneering Rights Restoration and Life-Skills Programme to build capacity and ability amongst the residents of Vesnova Children’s Mental Asylum, which is the base for CCI’s flagship Medical Care Programme.  These programmes will build the skills and capacity of the children and young adults, from a young age, to an age-appropriate level of self-sufficiency, literacy and numeracy as well as a range of vocational skills. 

CCI’s work on De-institutionalisation takes us one step closer to ensuring that hundreds of institutions across Belarus will one day be redundant and that children will have a life free from involuntary incarceration and segregation from society.  The ultimate goal is to restore the resident’s human rights, so they can be active, empowered citizens in their own communities and society as a whole.

Just €10 a month, can help sponsor the education and skill-building of  a child or young adult in involuntary institutional care. This means another child can dream of a future free and independent.

Follow this link to start a regular donation to make a life-changing difference to current and future generations of Chernobyl's victims. 

Ваша помощь детям Чернобыля!

New Address:

Chernobyl Children International
1A The Stables
Alfred Street

New Phone Number: +353 21 455 8774

Thank you for your continued support!

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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