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Сегодня - 8 января 2025, Среда
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CCI celebrating 30 years of volunteers and life changing intervention!

Dear Friends

I learned at an early age that it was a privilege to lend a helping hand within my local community and to this day I carry that spirit of volunteerism close to my heart.  I truly believe in ‘love in action’ and that together, we can save the world and you as one of our treasured volunteers and supporter help us to do that in the lives of the children of Chernobyl!
Our motto at Chernobyl Children International is ‘offering hope to live’ and we live by that, for the children but also for ourselves, as volunteers, because our work is hard and difficult at times and we too needed something to inspire us, to encourage us especially when the struggle is hard and we feel like giving up.

We are aware that right now many people have questions regarding the finances of the charities they support and about the governance of those charities. We here at CCI would like you to know we are fully compliant with the charter of the Charities Regulatory Authority and attach the utmost importance to maintaining the highest standards of financial probity and accountability. We take these responsibilities extremely seriously because of the trust donors, contributors and our volunteers place in us.  We wanted to let you know that:

  • Our yearly financial records are posted on our website where you can view them at any time.http://www.chernobyl-international.com/financials/
  • Our accounts are prepared according to the Statement of Recommended Practice for Charities (SORP), which is recognised as best practice by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB).  We use the International best practise system in the preparation of our accounts called: FRS102, Full International Financial Reporting Statements.
  • In a recent investigation into CEO salaries by the journal.ie CCI were found to be the top charity in Ireland for Return on Investment, meaning that we maximise each and every donation given by the public to us for the best use of those funds for the children in our care. http://www.thejournal.ie/irish-charity-ceo-salaries-spendi…/
  • Our CEO Adi Roche is voluntary, as are ourBoard of Directors, and they receive no salaries, no pensions or perks for their roles in the charity

For 30 years Chernobyl Children International has developed programmes that restore hope, alleviate suffering and protect current and future generations in the Chernobyl regions. CCI is founded on hope and courage: the hope that the children—one by one and heartbeat by heartbeat—will thrive; and the courage to envision and create a better world.  We have delivered over €100 million in humanitarian aid to the Chernobyl regions and brought 25,000 children to Ireland for recuperative stays.

We are aware that when you donate to Chernobyl Children International you are placing in us your trust that we will use your funds to help the children of the Chernobyl regions.  We take this responsibility we take extremely seriously.

CCI is committed to best financial and governance practice. We encourage all donors to all charities to keep asking questions and we look forward to strengthened powers that have been given to the charities regulator. 

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Voluntary CEO Adi Roche, Board Members and Staff of CCI

Chernobyl might become a solar farm
A second, cleaner chance for the most infamous power plant in history.

30th Anniversary

Chernobyl: 30 Years of Decay, a time lapse video of Chernobyl’s lost city of Pripyat by Michael Garrett 

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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