Сообщество Peter & Patrik
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Телефон"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan
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Сегодня - 10 января 2025, Пятница
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Розы дарят свет и улыбки детям Весновы

Ирландский фонд - детям Чернобыля
Roses bring light and laughter to Vesnova children
September 2015

Dear Friends,


It was another wonderful year for the International Rose of Tralee Festival recently. Twenty two year-old Elysha Brennan from Co Meath was crowned the 2015 International Rose of Tralee winner. Elysha touched people's hearts with her inspirational story of her recovery from Hodgkin's Lymphoma. 


Smiles all around at Vesnova this year with 
Maria Walsh, International Rose of Tralee 2014


Every year, the Roses have the opportunity to travel to Belarus with CCI to visit Vesnova Mental Children's Asylum. Home to 173 children with physical and mental disabilities, the asylum has been transformed by CCI from a substandard, unhygienic building into a thriving facility for children, voted the best orphanage for children with special needs in Belarus.


Our past Roses have described their trips to Belarus as a truly emotional, life-changing and unforgettableexperience. Many of them are teachers, therapists, doctors and nurses and they bring their skills and love to care for the children who so badly need it.




Adi, Marharyta and volunteers at the International Rose of Tralee Festival 2015


With your support we will continue to do our very best for the children of Chernobyl. 


As the world continues to watch in shock the plight of the innocent children caught up in the current refugee humanitarian crisis we are reminded that the true character of any society is in the way we respond to such devastation. Our country has always responded with open arms to Chernobyl refugees and now we are once again called on to show our compassion as a country and come to the aid of those who need it the most. May we long continue to be the kind of country that supports those in crisis.


There is hope... it's you.


Click here to donate now - помогите Ирландскому Фонду "Детям Чернобыля"

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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