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Сегодня - 10 января 2025, Пятница
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5 minutes to save the bees

5 минут, чтобы спасти пчёл


We’re at a critical moment in the fight to save bees. Just this month, we rallied in front of the White House and delivered a petition with more than four million signatures to President Obama, calling on him to save bees from toxic pesticides. The administration is on the verge of announcing its plans to protect bees—but pesticide companies have been working around the clock to stop the president from taking action on bee-toxic pesticides.


We urgently need to ramp up pressure on the Obama administration to do the right thing for bees and our food system. Call President Obama’s office TODAY to deliver this message. It’s easy - we’ll patch you straight through.

Call number: 1-877-796-1948

Just dial the number and you’ll hear an automated message with instructions and then be patched through to the White House to deliver your urgent message.

When you’re connected to the White House, deliver this message:

“Hi, my name is _______ and I’m calling to urge President Obama to protect bees from toxic pesticides immediately to protect our food supply and the environment.”

In just a few weeks, the Obama administration will likely announce a plan to protect bees. We need your help to deliver this message loud and clear to ensure the plan doesn’t ignore bee-toxic pesticides.

The administration is being lobbied hard by big chemical companies to leave their toxic products out of the plan, so President Obama needs to hear directly from his constituents so he knows that we’re invested in this issue and will support his decision to take swift, meaningful action.

Call President Obama today to deliver this message!

Thanks for everything you do for pollinators,

Larissa Walker
Pollinator Campaign Director
Center for Food Safety


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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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