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Сегодня - 22 декабря 2024, Воскресенье
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Sign the petition to Walgreens: Stop selling toxic products!

Против продажи токсичных продуктов!

Sign the petition to Walgreens: Stop selling toxic products!

SierraRise -- Why stand apart, when we can rise together?

Walgreens is selling products laced with dangerous chemicals.

Tell Walgreens: Stop risking our health with your toxic products!

Take Action!

Take Action!

Dear Friends,

Would you bathe your baby in formaldehyde or fill your dog's bowl with lead? I know I wouldn't! 

A new study has exposed Walgreens for selling products like school supplies and pet chew toys laced with toxic chemicals that cause asthma, cancer, and more. [1] 

Thousands of people from across the country have called on our nation's largest retailers to stop selling toxic products. Last year Walmart and Target agreed to take action -- but Walgreens hasn't yet gotten serious about protecting our families. [2] 

That's why the SierraRise community is teaming up with a coalition of fellow environmental and health advocates to put the pressure on Walgreens. Let's send 50,000 more messages directly to Walgreens president and CEO Greg Wasson -- we'll be too loud to ignore! 

Send your message today and tell Walgreens: Stop risking our health by selling dangerous products laced with toxic chemicals!

As the nation's largest drugstore, Americans need to be able to trust Walgreens. Their slogan is even "At the corner of healthy and happy," but the truth is many of their products are anything but healthy. 

According to the new study, hazardous chemicals are lurking in many items found on Walgreens' shelves -- lead in lipstick, formaldehyde in baby shampoo, and phthalates in many plastic products including shower curtains.These chemicals are almost never revealed on the labels. [3]

This is taking "buyer beware" to the extreme. Jamie Rhodes, director of Clean Water Action in Rhode Island, summed up our frustration: "We should be able to trust that a store like Walgreens in our neighborhood has safe products on their shelves that don't contain the most hazardous ingredients... " [4]

Anastasia, will you join the thousands who have already spoken out and tell Walgreens to stop stocking its shelves with risky toxic products? 

In it together, 

Ashley Allison 
SierraRise Senior Campaigner 

P.S. Five signatures are even more powerful than one -- after you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends, family, and colleagues! 

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1. Gearhart, Jeff and Rebecca Meuninck (2014 April 16). "New study shows toxic chemicals in everyday items from Walgreens." HealthyStuff.org. 

2. Iallonardo, Tony (2014 April 16). "Parents Return Walgreens Products Tested for Toxic Chemicals." SaferChemicals.org. 

3. Salit, Richard (2014 April 17). "'Mind the Store' activists visit Providence Walgreens over products with toxic chemicals.Providence Journal

4. Ibid 2

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