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за жизнь за жизнь - подписи/помощь - END THE ENSLAVEMENT OF MILLIONS OF INDIAN CHILDREN
Сегодня - 22 декабря 2024, Воскресенье
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It’s 3:15 am in Bhimnagar, India. With the family’s newest infant addition latched to her side, Kalawati* wakes up her husband, six-year-old daughter, and eight-year-old son to eat breakfast – a small handful of rice. The meal won’t satisfy anyone’s hunger but it’s all Kalawati’s children will eat until 1pm. They’re not heading to school; the whole family needs to begin their 18-hour work day at the brick kiln before the sun rises. 

Today will be the same for Kalawati’s children as the last – hauling buckets of water, mixing mud to make bricks, putting the mixture into brick moulds, a lunch of molasses and water, stacking bricks into piles, digging up soil for the next day’s bricks. At the end of the day, both children will try to rub the ache out of their backs while Kalawati helplessly suggests they try walking around to ease the pain knowing that it won’t work.

That’s not the extreme in the possible tortures of a day in the life of a child slave in India. There are days when children are beaten to force them into submission; days when a mother is forced to watch a brick kiln owner dangle her son over a 700°C flame simply to frighten her. Rather, it’s just the typical day that the Indian Parliament could act on to make a distant memory for every Indian child forever.

The Indian Parliament has extended their session to Friday, 6 September to progress a number of important bills before they prepare for election. They are paying attention to what voters are saying as well as the opinions of activists rallying all over the world in defence of the child slaves of India.

Kalawati won’t have the chance to speak out for her children, but you can – tell the Indian Parliament to pass the Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill TODAY: http://walkfree.org/indiachildslavery 

If passed, the Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill would: 
1) prohibit employment of children under 14 years of age; 
2) outline harsh sentences for violators; and
3) provide for monitoring of suspected cases of child slavery. 

This legislation would put an end to the enslavement of children in India, but it risks not passing without a demonstration of mass public support. 

Will you help? Take action now: http://walkfree.org/indiachildslavery 

Kalawati wants the same futures for her children as every other parent. And she has one more wish – that her children will know a life outside of slavery.

Thank you,

Debra, Ryan, Jessica, Kate, Mich, Amy and the Walk Free Team

*Name changed to protect identity


Walk Free is a movement of people everywhere, fighting to end one of the world's greatest evils: Modern slavery.

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Every day, millions of children in India wake up with nothing to look forward to except hours of back-breaking labour working everywhere from stone quarries to carpet factories to rice mills. Children as young as 5 years-old are kept from school, forced to work 7 days a week for up to 18 hours a day and end up with crippling injuries, respiratory disorders and chronic pain.

Because these children are often left illiterate and plagued with health problems, they are - in a cruel twist of fate - less likely to find employment once they reach adulthood. This continued enslavement of children traps generations of Indians in a vicious cycle of slavery, illiteracy and poverty.

Thankfully, the Indian Parliament is considering legislation called the "Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill," which: 

1. Prohibits the employment of children up until 14 years of age,
2. Outlines harsher sentences for violators of child labour laws and 
3. Provides for monitoring of suspected instances of child slavery. 

This legislation would put an end to the enslavement of children in India but it risks not passing without a demonstration of mass public support.

For every day that this bill is delayed, millions of children in India will continue to be at risk to be bought and sold to work in unimaginable conditions of sex slavery, bonded labour and domestic servitude.

Sadly, the Indian Parliament missed their opportunity to pass the Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill in May of this year. They need to know that any further delay in the passage of this historic law ending the enslavement of children in their country is simply unacceptable. Child rights groups in India and the rest of the world are already calling on government of India to prioritise the Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill but we need your help to build massive public pressure that leaders in India cannot ignore.

Call on the Indian Parliament to immediately pass the Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill and end child slavery in India.

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