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защита природы защита природы - Pass-it-On: Stop Bear Slaughters in Ontario
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Pass-it-On: Stop Bear Slaughters in Ontario

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Tell-A-Friend: Primier Wynne, Stop the Slaughter of Ontario's Bears
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Dear Friends,

Thank you for standing against bear hunting in Ontario. This week, Ontarian government officials made the decision to reinstate the spring bear hunt. This is a complete disappointment as it will endanger Ontario's bear populations and orphan bear cubs at a time when they need their mothers the most.

Will you help increase pressure on Premier Wynne of Ontario to stop the slaughter of these bears?

You can send an email to your friends and family, post the petition on Facebook, or send this tweet to ask your network to support the cause.

The spring bear hunt has been banned for 15 years. We can show Premier Wynne our support to stop these unnecessary hunts. Here's a quick message you can copy and send to rally support:

Hi - 

After a 15-year-ban, Ontario is bringing back the spring bear hunt. If we don't take action now, innocent animals will be lured into clearings with bait and then shot. As mother bears are just raising young cubs, the hunt could spell disaster as many baby bears will be left orphaned. http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AHua7/zOGD/cFLdH

Bears and humans can co-exist. There's no reason to resort to killing them!

I just signed a petition to stop the spring bear hunt in Ontario. Will you sign too? Here's a link to the petition:


Thank you.



Thank you for taking action,

Roseanne C.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team c

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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