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Сегодня - 10 января 2025, Пятница
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Imagine — thousands upon thousands of sharks, sea turtles, even seabirds, hooked ... stuck ... often killed or injured and tossed back to sea. 

Year after year. It's the side of the massive canned tuna industry that the public never gets to see. But to tuna brands like Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea, and Starkist, it's just business as usual. 

Take action now to tell Bumble Bee, Starkist, and Chicken of the Sea to stop destructive fishing! 

Greenpeace surveyed US tuna companies to release our first Canned Tuna Guide and exposed what these three big tuna brands don't want consumers to know. These companies are plundering the ocean using unsustainable industrial fishing practices, even while competitors leave these outdated methods behind.

We can change this gruesome picture. With enough consumer pressure in the US we can force them to clean up their act and start fishing for tuna more sustainably. Other companies have already done it thanks to people like you speaking out — they realize that what's good for our oceans is also good for business.

Send a message to Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea, and Starkist now to tell them that the pressure's on: they must stop destroying our oceans!

Humans depend on healthy oceans to survive. But these three big tuna brands — which together own 80% of the tuna market — are destroying delicate ocean ecosystems without a second thought. Bumble Bee alone has been linked to destructive fishing practices, and even shark finning. 

Of course, all three big tuna brands refuse to provide consumers any information about their supply chain. They're even withholding basic labeling information like what species is actually in the can!

It's clear these big brands don't care about bycatch, but they do care about the bottom line. That's why your voice as a consumer is so important right now.

Join thousands of others who care about the health of our oceans. Send a message to Bumblebee, Starkist, and Chicken of the Sea: stop destroying our oceans!

This is truly a crisis point for our oceans. Globally, the effects of overfishing, climate change, and pollution are bringing ocean ecosystems to the brink of ecological collapse. And we don't have much time to reverse course.

That's why Greenpeace is campaigning to convince all who affect the ocean — from tuna companies to governments — to stop acting as if they are bottomless. Now.

It is a hard fight, but it's never been more important. And with your support, I know we can win.

Graham Forbes Oceans Campaigner, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Canned tuna giants Bumble Bee, Starkist, and Chicken of the Sea are killing tens of thousands of rays, sharks, and sea turtles each year with their fishing practices. Send them a message now to change their gruesome methods.


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