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Новости Новости - За устойчивый ресурс пресной воды
Сегодня - 11 января 2025, Суббота
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За устойчивый ресурс пресной воды

Take Action!

Everyone needs fresh water. We rely on the resource each day of our lives—for the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the energy we use. It's plain and simple: without water, there is no life. 

But not all communities have a say in whether the fresh water they use is clean, abundant and available. 

Did you know that over 270 lakes and rivers around the world stretch beyond more than one country's borders? This means that people need to work across political boundaries to ensure sustainable freshwater resources. 

Consider the Mekong River: As the longest river in Southeast Asia, this dynamic resource flows through six countries. It has the world's largest inland fishery—which provides protein to more than 60 million people—and is home to the vulnerable Irrawaddy dolphin. 

Unfortunately, plans to build an upstream dam in Laos are threatening the freshwater species and communities in other countries downstream. Coordinating sustainability efforts across borders is the only answer to ensuring the future of fresh water in this region. 

Sign our petition and tell global leaders to find ways to cooperate on the use, management and protection of international rivers and lakes. 

This situation is not unique to the Mekong River. All countries that share lakes, rivers, streams, aquifers and wetlands are facing their own challenges. 

The more food, water and energy we demand as populations continue to grow, the more fresh water we will need. Amplified by climate change, water crises and conflicts are becoming more frequent. 

Never before has the need for neighboring countries to cooperate on managing their shared water resources been more urgent. 

The United Nations Watercourses Convention (UNWC) provides a set of criteria and principles for all nations to use when managing shared waters. 

By taking the guesswork out of the equation and creating a common language, the UNWC helps secure water for people and nature. The convention allows water to act as a tool for peace and cooperation. 

For years, WWF and our partners have advocated for countries to ratify the UNWC. Because of our global efforts, 35 countries have ratified the convention so far—but our work is not yet done. We need your help! 

Send my message

Sign this petition to tell your government to ratify the UNWC. Together, we will ensure water for people and nature. 


Karin Krchnak
Director, Freshwater Program
World Wildlife Fund

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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