Save Endangered Grizzly Bears from Jumbo Ski Resort!
Jumbo Glacier Resorts is planning to build a 5500 bed ski resort with hopes to attract between 2000 and 3000 tourists per day. Although Jumbo Glacier Resorts has stated they examined the affects its resort will have on the area Grizzly Bear population and determined there will be little impact; they are using scientific data that is over 15 years old!
According to Michael Proctor, one of Canada's leading grizzly bear experts, bear populations in southern British Columbia and the United States will be significantly jeopardized by this invasive construction.
“Using DNA analysis from hair snagging, Proctor found the Purcell grizzly populations are depressed, bringing them "close to or below the threatened population threshold."
Clearly, it is human infringement desecrating the Grizzly population.
Since the British Columbia government granted Jumbo Glacier Resorts the right to construction based on the antiquated assessment we must step forward and ask the British Columbia's Environment Assessment Office to take the new scientific studies into consideration and not renew an environmental assessment certificate for the construction of the resort!