Правительство Намибии срезает рога у своих носорогов для того, чтобы те не явились жертвой браконьеров. Браконьеры охотятся на намибийских носорогов с целью продажи их рогов для незаконной китайской медицины, якобы исцеляющей от любых недугов.
Призовите правительство Намибии сосредоточить свои усилия на контроле за браконьерами вместо того, чтобы лишать носорогов их естественной защиты.
The Namibian government has been cutting the horns off rhinos in national parks and private conservation reserves in an attempt to deter poachers. Poachers have killed 14 of Namibia's rhinos so far this year to sell their horns for use in unscientific Chinese medicine that has never been proven to improve any ailment.
While the government's actions may be well intentioned, cutting off the rhino's horns strips them of all the protection they have against poachers. In a disturbing twist, the government is seeking permission from the United Nations to sell the horns for profit, undermining their claim that they have the rhinos' best interests at heart.
Please sign the petition to urge the Namibian government to focus their efforts on controlling poachers without stripping rhinos of their natural defense and beauty.