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Сегодня - 11 января 2025, Суббота
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Sign the petition: Save the right whales!

Подпиши петицию - спаси китов!

Right whales live on the knife's edge of extinction -- after being brutally hunted by whalers in the 19th century, their numbers have never recovered. Only 450 are left in the world.

Today they're one of the most endangered whales in the world -- and with new threats like sonic booms from seismic testing that deafen and kill whales, right whales could be a few accidents away from being wiped out completely. [1] 

Our government has admitted that right whales need more protections, [2] but without public pressure, they've dragged their feet on making any changes.

It's well beyond time to change that.

No more lip service about protecting whales. Help us send 50,000 letters to the National Marine Fisheries Service anddemand protections for right whales.

You've already heard from us about new threats facing whales, like military research and sonic booms used for oil explorations that deafen and kill gentle whales swimming peacefully nearby.

Plus, because right whales feed close to the surface of the ocean, they're especially vulnerable to injury and death at human hands.

These threats could devastate a species already near extinction due to human cruelty.

Even the name they bear is a horror story. Humans named these 50 foot long ocean giants "right whales" because of how valuable and easy they were to kill -- making them the "right whale" to hunt.

Today, we have the power to show our government that they are the "right whale" to save.

Send your letter right now to the National Marine Fisheries Service. Let's show them how serious we are about saving right whales.

In it together,

Molly Brooksbank

P.S. Five signatures are even more powerful than one -- after you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends, family, and colleagues!

ПОДПИШИ ПЕТИЦИЮ - СПАСИ КИТОВ! Tell the National Marine Fisheries Service to expand protections for right whales!

Take action today! - ПОДПИСАТЬ!
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