In Irgoli, Italy, a father and his teenage son tied a dog to their car and dragged it behind them for several kilometres. I started a petition to demand a maximum penalty for these monsters.
Last week, a man and his 16-year-old son tied a dog to the back of their car and dragged it down the road for several kilometres. Even though the police caught them red-handed, they have not arrested the man or his son for this crime.
The man and son only stopped dragging the dog because a police car started to follow them. They lost control of the car and landed in a ditch on the side of the road.
The people were fine, but the dog was barely alive. The rough pavement scraped away its skin, and the dog was bleeding.
The authorities tried to help the dog, rushing it to a vet immediately, but it was too late -- it died there in pain and terror.
The man and his son deserve maximum punishment for this sick crime, and the police need to set an example that this won't be tolerated.
The entire crime is on tape, and the police saw the crime take place first hand. I can't believe that the police haven't arrested these men for this murder.