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Новости Новости - Holiday greetings, 2013 reflections, and looking ahead
Сегодня - 11 января 2025, Суббота
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Holiday greetings, 2013 reflections, and looking ahead

Adi Roche and Chernobyl Children


Dear Friends


Warmest greetings to you, your family and loved ones this holiday season! As our Friends, Donors and Volunteers, a heart-felt tribute to each one of you for your wonderful support throughout this year! Your contribution is beyond price, beyond measure and may I congratulate you one and all.


As 2013 comes to a close, let us reflect on our collective achievements in delivering hope, saving lives and giving back the 'miracle of making a difference'. None of this would have been possible without you!   


(1)   Cardiac Programme - 6 life-saving cardiac missions in Ukraine. Many more lives saved!

(2)   Alternatives to Institutional Care (Independent Living Programme)- We are rebuilding a new home for boys with special needs, giving them back their freedom and independence from state-run institutions. A pioneering development, the first of its kind in Belarus.

(3)   Mental Health & Disability - 12 Monthly Medical & Institutional Care Missions successfully completed, delivering expert care to over 170 children between the ages of 5 and 17 years.

(4)   Medical Programme (Community & Hospice Care Programme) - CCI more than doubled the number of families where we provide weekly life-changing nursing and therapeutic care for children who are physically and mentally impaired and at risk of institutionalisation.

(5)   Rest & Recuperation Programme - over 450 children visited Ireland under this programme in 2013 (in total over 23,500 children have been brought into Ireland since the inception of this programme after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986).


With several exciting programme initiatives ahead of us in 2014, we have a lot more to do! Our focus, as always, will be caring for the most vulnerable and fragile children, young adults, and families. Let us renew and rekindle our commitments and join in unison with renewed hope and heart in the names of all the children we serve. Children are every nation's treasure and true wealth and remind us all of where the true spirit and miracle of Christmas is. 


All of you continue to give back to children who are too ill or too institutionalised and in need of your help. Any donation, no matter how big or small, has a huge impact on children who would otherwise be forgotten this holiday season.


I so look forward to working together with you in 2014.  There is hope - it's you! DONATE


Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas, holiday season and peaceful New Year.




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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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