Every year, 85,000 seals are bludgeoned to death in Namibia. With only one million remaining in the wild, the Cape Fur Seal will go extinct if we don't act to stop the painful, cruel slaughter of nursing seal pups.
As I write this, seal pups are being rounded up, separated from their mothers, and brutally beaten to death. There are an estimated one million Cape Fur Seals left in the wild. In the space of five months, eighty five thousand of these seals will be slaughtered in Namibia, the only country in the world that allows the killing of nursing pups.
Every morning from 6am to 9am, death squads swarm the beach murdering seals in cold blood. Journalists are barred from the scene. By 9am, the death squads clean up the carnage for when tourists arrive, ignorant of the slaughter that happened just hours before. Speak out to make sure these crimes are no longer ignored.
ВНИМАНИЕ! ОАО "Спецавтохозяйство" ("знай его в лицо"), игнорируя решение суда от 18 мая 2012 года в отношении их деятельности, организовало в Чебоксарах ЛАГЕРЬ СМЕРТИ ДЛЯ БЕЗДОМНЫХ ЖИВОТНЫХ.